Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grammar and students and candy! Oh my!

Here are just some of the tidbits I heard this afternoon from my students....while I am teaching grammar. They are so strange!

"Black people like to name their babies after things they want but they cannot afford" (said by a black boy..)

Another black boy says "Chris, our names are Chris and we are black. That is not true."

Original black boy, "Not always, but when you hear names like Diamond and Jaguar, they are always black!"        Oh my.

White boy, "My aunt named her daughter Diamond, and she is white!" So there! okay....

That conversation would probably still be going on if grammar had not stepped in to save the day and keep us on track. Thanks, grammar.

Happy Halloween and 3 day weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Parent Teacher Joy

Renaissance Table:
    student of the month sign
    loyal partners signs
   business clings
   ACE shirt
   trifolds to pass out
   RAK box and slips
   framed Renaissance picture on easel

My table:
   article of the week done correctly
   read-a-thon page numbers
   book to read
   sign in sheets

Prep period:
   get oil changed
   work on lessons for next week
   grade papers
            Gotta love parent teacher conference day. 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM at school. Yes!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Testing Testing

Hey whoever (or whomever...) reads this,

I just want to test out my brand new blog...I can't wait to pour my emotions and soul into my blog...nah, I just want to make Dustin happy! And make people laugh about my teaching...not because my teaching is funny but because my students are hilarious.. okay later, Blog. ( Blog is like my new pet!) This is what Blog would look like if Blog were real. Awwww..... Okay, for real, later, Blog.