Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Break Time!

I love Thanksgiving break...not because of the turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, family, babies, puppies (10), games, drinking..., NO, I love Thanksgiving because we get 3 days off. Do you know how much I love Christmas!  

Happy 3 day vacation and Thanskgiving!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Watching students dip their noses into petroleum jelly, then a cotton ball, and then run to wiggle it onto a plate is hysterical. You cannot watch that without smiling. I think if we did "minute to win it" games during a pep rally, it would be perfect because each grade level could compete and we could play lots since they only take 1 minute each! They are hilarious. Dustin did have some EAST labbers videoing it ( I think I just made up 2 words), so maybe we will  have a chance to watch.

Just thinking about it is making me smile (which is something with my 7th period..)

Later, homes.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Renaissance Rally!!

Tomorrow is the Renaissance Reward Rally!! Woohooo!! I am excited! It should be hilarious to watch those kids play the "minute to win it" games.....on one of them, they have to scoot around on a bath rug..awesome.

I bought these cute Christmas goody bags to put all the gifts in, and the top was too small for the giant cookies that our school makes, so I had to ghetto chop them in half. Still looks spirited though!
Nobody will care as long as that cookie is inside!

Last class, my class thought I knew Taylor Swift and was going to mail this boy's love letter to her persuading her to date him. haha. The more I denied it, laughing, the more they thought I was lying and were getting SO excited!
This boy said, " I have facebooked EVERY Taylor Swift just in case they are her!! Please send my letter and say good things about me!!" 
Another girl, " Oh my gosh! You are like a celebrity! How do you know her? Did you go to college together..?"    ha haha

But, when I would deny it, because I was smiling, they thought I had a little secret. I finally just admitted that she is my cousin, but I barely ever see her since we live apart and she travels so much.

They love me now.